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Contains PyTorch implementations of the BitfountModel paradigm.



class PyTorchBitfountModel(    datastructure: DataStructure,    schema: BitfountSchema,    batch_size: int = 32,    epochs: Optional[int] = None,    steps: Optional[int] = None,    seed: Optional[int] = None,    param_clipping: Optional[dict[str, int]] = None,):

Blueprint for a pytorch custom model in the lightning format.

This class must be subclassed in its own module. A Path to the module containing the subclass can then be passed to BitfountModelReference and on to your Algorithm of choice which will send the model to Bitfount Hub.

To get started, just implement the abstract methods in this class. For more advanced users feel free to override or overwrite any variables/methods in your subclass.

Take a look at the pytorch-lightning documentation on how to properly create a LightningModule:


Ensure you set self.metrics in the __init__ method of your subclass to ensure they pertain appropriately to your model. If not, Bitfount will attempt to set these appropriately for you but there is no guarantee it will get it right.


  • ****kwargs**: Any additional arguments to pass to parent constructors.
  • batch_size: The batch size to use for training. Defaults to 32.
  • datastructure: DataStructure to be passed to the model when initialised
  • epochs: The number of epochs to train for.
  • param_clipping: Arguments for clipping for BatchNorm parameters. Used for federated models with secure aggregation. It should contain the SecureShare variables and the number of workers in a dictionary, e.g. {"prime_q":13, "precision": 10**3,"num_workers":2}. Defaults to None.
  • schema: The BitfountSchema object associated with the datasource on which the model will be trained on.
  • seed: Random number seed. Used for setting random seed for all libraries. Defaults to None.
  • steps: The number of steps to train for.


  • batch_size: The batch size to use for training.
  • epochs: The number of epochs to train for.
  • fields_dict: A dictionary mapping all attributes that will be serialized in the class to their marshamllow field type. (e.g. fields_dict = {"class_name": fields.Str()}).
  • nested_fields: A dictionary mapping all nested attributes to a registry that contains class names mapped to the respective classes. (e.g. nested_fields = {"datastructure": datastructure.registry})
  • preds: The predictions from the most recent test run.
  • steps: The number of steps to train for.
  • target: The targets from the most recent test run.
  • val_stats: Metrics from the validation set during training.


  • ValueError: If both epochs and steps are specified.



  • static fields_dict : ClassVar[T_FIELDS_DICT]
  • static train_dl : _BasePyTorchBitfountDataLoader

Static methods


def diff_params(    old_params: _Weights, new_params: _Weights,)>[str, bitfount.types._TensorLike]:

See base class.


def serialize_model_source_code(    filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], extra_imports: Optional[list[str]] = None,)> None:

Inherited from:

BitfountModel.serialize_model_source_code :

Serializes the source code of the model to file.

This is required so that the model source code can be uploaded to Bitfount Hub.


  • filename: The filename to save the source code to.
  • extra_imports: A list of extra import statements to include in the source code.



def apply_weight_updates(    self, weight_updates: Sequence[_Weights],)>[str, bitfount.types._TensorLike]:

See base class.


def configure_optimizers(    self,)> Union[torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer, tuple[list[torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer], list[torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler]]]:

Configures the optimizer(s) and scheduler(s) for backpropagation.

Returns Either the optimizer of your choice or a tuple of optimizers and learning rate schedulers.


def create_model(self)> torch.nn.modules.module.Module:

Creates and returns the underlying pytorch model.

Returns Underlying pytorch model. This is set to self._model.


def deserialize(    self,    content: Union[str, os.PathLike, bytes],    weights_only: bool = True,    **kwargs: Any,)> None:

Deserialize model.


If weights_only is set to False, this should not be used on a model file that has been received across a trust boundary due to underlying use of pickle by torch.


  • content: Path to file containing serialized model.
  • weights_only: If True, only load the weights of the model. If False, load the entire model. Defaults to True.
  • **kwargs: Keyword arguments provided to torch.load under the hood.


def deserialize_params(    self, serialized_weights: _SerializedWeights,)>[str, bitfount.types._TensorLike]:

Convert serialized model params to tensors.


def evaluate(    self,    test_dl: Optional[BitfountDataLoader] = None,    pod_identifiers: Optional[list[str]] = None,    **kwargs: Any,)> Union[EvaluateReturnType, dict[str, float]]:

Evaluates model either locally or federated-ly.

pod_identifiers must be provided for federated evaluation.


For remote evaluation, this method does not use the existing parameters of the model unless they are serialized and provided using the pretrained_file keyword argument.


  • test_dl: Optional dataloader to run inference on which takes precedence over the dataloader returned by self.test_dataloader.
  • pod_identifiers: list of pod identifiers. If this is provided, the model will be evaluated in a federated manner. Defaults to None.
  • ****kwargs**: Optional keyword arguments passed to the federated evaluate method.


def fit(    self,    data: Optional[BaseSource] = None,    metrics: Optional[dict[str, Metric]] = None,    pod_identifiers: Optional[list[str]] = None,    **kwargs: Any,)> Optional[dict[str, str]]:

Fits model either locally or federated-ly.

pod_identifiers must be provided for federated training.


For remote training, this method does not use the existing parameters of the model unless they are serialized and provided using the pretrained_file keyword argument.


  • data: Datasource for training. Defaults to None.
  • metrics: Metrics to calculate for validation. Defaults to None.
  • pod_identifiers: list of pod identifiers. If this is provided, the model will be trained in a federated manner. Defaults to None.
  • ****kwargs**: Optional keyword arguments passed to the federated fit method. Any unrecognized keyword arguments will be interpreted as custom model hyperparameters.

Returns A dictionary of metrics and their values. Optional.


  • ValueError: If neither pod_identifiers are provided for federated training nor data is provided for local training.


def forward(self, x: Any)> Any:

Forward method of the model - just like a regular torch.nn.Module class.


This will depend on your model but could be as simple as:

return self._model(x)


  • x: Input to the model.

Returns Output of the model.


def get_param_states(self)> dict[str, bitfount.types._TensorLike]:

See base class.

Wrapping the state dictionary with dict ensures we return a dict rather than an OrderedDict.


def initialise_model(    self,    data: Optional[BaseSource] = None,    data_splitter: Optional[DatasetSplitter] = None,    context: Optional[TaskContext] = None,)> None:

Any initialisation of models/dataloaders to be done here.

Initialises the dataloaders and sets self._model to be the output from self.create_model. Any initialisation ahead of training, serialization or deserialization should be done here.


  • data: The datasource for model training. Defaults to None.
  • data_splitter: The splitter to use for the data. Defaults to None.
  • context: Indicates if the model is running as a modeller or worker. If None, there is no difference between modeller and worker.


def log_(self, name: str, value: Any, **kwargs: Any)> Any:

Simple wrapper around the pytorch lightning log method.


def predict(    self,    data: Optional[BaseSource] = None,    pod_identifiers: Optional[list[str]] = None,    **kwargs: Any,)> Union[PredictReturnType, dict[str, list[np.ndarray]]]:

Infers model either locally or federated-ly.

pod_identifiers must be provided for federated inference.


For remote inference, this method does not use the existing parameters of the model unless they are serialized and provided using the pretrained_file keyword argument.


  • data: Optional datasource to run inference on if training locally. Defaults to None.
  • pod_identifiers: list of pod identifiers. If this is provided, the model will be inferred in a federated manner. Defaults to None.
  • ****kwargs**: Optional keyword arguments passed to the federated predict method.


def reset_trainer(self)> None:

See base class.


def serialize(self, filename: Union[str, os.PathLike])> None:

Serialize model to file with provided filename.


  • filename: Path to file to save serialized model.


def serialize_params(    self, weights: _Weights,)>[str, list[float]]:

Serialize model params.


def set_datastructure_identifier(self, datastructure_identifier: str)> None:

Sets the datastructure identifier for the model.

This is used to identify which elements of the datastructure are referring to the current runner and is normally the pod identifier (for single datasource pods) or the "logical pod" identifier for pods with multiple datasources that have registered as different pods.

This must be called on the Pod/Worker side in Distributed training because it is needed for the model to be able to extract the relevant information from the datastructure sent by the Modeller.


  • datastructure_identifier: The datastructure identifier for the model.


def set_model_training_iterations(self, iterations: int)> None:

See base class.


def skip_training_batch(self, batch_idx: int)> bool:

Checks if the current batch from the training set should be skipped.

This is a workaround for the fact that PyTorch Lightning starts the Dataloader iteration from the beginning every time fit is called. This means that if we are training in steps, we are always training on the same batches. So this method needs to be called at the beginning of every training_step to skip to the right batch index.


  • batch_idx: the index of the batch from training_step.

Returns True if the batch should be skipped, otherwise False.


def tensor_precision(self)> +T_DTYPE:

Returns tensor dtype used by Pytorch Lightning Trainer.


Currently only 32-bit training is supported.

Returns Pytorch tensor dtype.


def test_dataloader(    self,)>

Returns test dataloader.


def test_epoch_end(    self, outputs: list[dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, list[str]]]],)> None:

Aggregates the predictions and targets from the test set.


If you are overwriting this method, ensure you set self._test_preds to maintain compatibility with self._predict_local unless you are overwriting both of them.


  • outputs: list of outputs from each test step.


def test_step(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int)> Union[torch.Tensor, dict[str, Any]]:

Operates on a single batch of data from the test set.


  • batch: The batch to be evaluated.
  • batch_idx: The index of the batch to be evaluated from the test dataloader.

Returns A dictionary of predictions and targets, with the dictionary keys being "predictions" and "targets" for each of them, respectively. These will be passed to the test_epoch_end method.


def train_dataloader(    self,)>

Returns training dataloader.


def trainer_init(self)> pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer:

Initialises the Lightning Trainer for this model.

Documentation for pytorch-lightning trainer can be found here:


Override this method to choose your own Trainer arguments.

Returns The pytorch lightning trainer.


def training_step(    self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int,)> Union[torch.Tensor, dict[str, Any]]:

Training step.


If iterations have been specified in terms of steps, the default behaviour of pytorch lightning is to train on the first n steps of the dataloader every time fit is called. This default behaviour is not desirable and has been dealt with in the built-in Bitfount models but, until this bug gets fixed by the pytorch lightning team, this needs to be implemented by the user for custom models.


Take a look at the skip_training_batch method for one way on how to deal with this. It can be used as follows:

if self.skip_training_batch(batch_idx):
return None


  • batch: The batch to be trained on.
  • batch_idx: The index of the batch to be trained on from the train dataloader.

Returns The loss from this batch as a torch.Tensor. Or a dictionary which includes the key loss and the loss as a torch.Tensor.


def update_params(self, new_model_params: _Weights)> None:

See base class.


def val_dataloader(    self,)>

Returns validation dataloader.


def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs: list[_StrAnyDict])> None:

Called at the end of the validation epoch with all validation step outputs.

Ensures that the average metrics from a validation epoch is stored. Logs results and also appends to self.val_stats.


  • outputs: list of outputs from each validation step.


def validation_step(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int)> dict[str, typing.Any]:

Validation step.


  • batch: The batch to be evaluated.
  • batch_idx: The index of the batch to be evaluated from the validation dataloader.

Returns A dictionary of strings and values that should be averaged at the end of every epoch and logged e.g. {"validation_loss": loss}. These will be passed to the validation_epoch_end method.