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Algorithm for outputting results to CSV on the pod-side.



class CSVReportAlgorithm(    datastructure: DataStructure,    save_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,    original_cols: Optional[list[str]] = None,    filter: Optional[list[ColumnFilter]] = None,    **kwargs: Any,):

Algorithm for generating the CSV results reports.


  • datastructure: The data structure to use for the algorithm.
  • save_path: The folder path where the csv report should be saved. The CSV report will have the same name as the taskID.
  • original_cols: The tabular columns from the datasource to include in the report. If not specified it will include all tabular columns from the datasource.
  • filter: A list of ColumnFilter instances on which we will filter the data on. Defaults to None. If supplied, columns will be added to the output csv indicating the records that match the specified criteria. If more than one ColumnFilter is given, and additional column will be added to the output csv indicating the datapoints that match all given criteria (as well as the individual matches)



  • static fields_dict : ClassVar[T_FIELDS_DICT]



def modeller(    self, **kwargs: Any,)> NoResultsModellerAlgorithm:

Modeller-side of the algorithm.


def worker(    self, **kwargs: Any,)> bitfount.federated.algorithms.csv_report_algorithm._WorkerSide:

Worker-side of the algorithm.


class ColumnFilter(column: str, operator: str, value: typing.Union[str, int, float]):

Dataclass for column filtering.


  • column: The column name on which the filter will be applied. The filtering ignores capitalization or spaces for the column name.
  • operator: The operator for the filtering operation. E.g., "less than", ">=", "not equal", "==".
  • value: The value for the filter. This is allowed to be a string only for equals or not equal operators, and needs to be a float or integer for all other operations.


  • ValueError: If an inequality comparison operation is given with a value which cannot be converted to a float.


  • static column : str
  • static operator : str
  • static value : Union[str, int, float]